UBEMAR-FAP, a brand belonging to the UBEMAR GROUP. This family business founded in the mid-80s, originally we bet on specialization in various branches of the automotive industry, specifically REPAIR AND SALE OF SPRING SPRINGS AND RADIATORS, under the name of TALLERES MARTINEZ. It was in 2005, when the impetus to grow and improve, led us to expand our automotive services, when UBEMAR CARROCERíAS was born, dedicated to the MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR OF INDUSTRIAL BODYWORKS.
Entering the world of bodywork, makes us expand our portfolio of services, UBEMAR SHEET AND PAINT, for industrial vehicles and passenger cars, with a 14-meter paint booth-oven, one of the largest in the province. Due to a great demand from our clients, we take the next leap with UBEMAR PLASTIC, dedicated to plastic welding, being a pioneer company in the province in this dedication.
Today we are here to present our latest line of business UBEMAR-FAP, for the cleaning of particle filters, catalysts, as well as their repair. Our company today is made up of more than 10 workers, in addition to being able to boast of more than 30 years in the sector and three generations at the service of the client, we have all the necessary machinery and spare parts to cover all needs.