Cleaning of FAP and CAP filters

Ubemar FAP has the most advanced equipment for cleaning particulate filters and catalysts. Available for cars, vans, trucks and industrial vehicles. We guarantee the elimination of oil, soot and ashes that may be inside the filter.

Cómo puedo regenerar el filtro de partículas de un coche diésel

The cleaning process is designed to provide a professional service in an easy and efficient manner. First, the DPF or CAT is connected to the adapters and a test is carried out to evaluate the internal state of the ceramic, generating a ticket with the customer’s data. Then in the software you can choose between standard or custom wash programs, which are stored in the system. Once the program has been selected, proceed to clean with pressurized water and special detergent in the appropriate proportion. After cleaning, drying is carried out, also adjusting the temperature if necessary. Finally, another test is carried out to verify the recovery of the values after the work carried out in the DPF or CAT.

What is the Cleaning Process of Ubemar FAP particulate filters like?